Venn Diagram of the Big Ten

Margaret Webster recently joined the Society after reading an article in the New York Times. She then created this Venn diagram to help her learn the big ten clouds and we love it!

She says she is seeking “to persuade all who’ll listen of the wonder and beauty of clouds,” although the patience of some of her family members may be growing a little thin! As a retired psychotherapist, she told us she completely agrees with our statement that appreciating clouds is cheaper than a psychiatrist!

3 thoughts on “Venn Diagram of the Big Ten”

  1. Wendy Mills avatar wendywhammills says:

    This is wonderful! Thank you! ♥

  2. rebecca start avatar rebecca says:

    Love it!

  3. Howard Brown avatar hygge says:

    If CAS loves it, who am I to demur? So putting my emotional hat on (it is on the small size), I think it is great for people to be thinking about clouds, and if Margaret finds her Venn a helpful aide memoire, then good luck.

    But putting my technical hat on (it is too large and can flop down over my eyes), I find Margaret’s Venn enigmatic. A venn (says my concise OED) displays logical sets as circles, common elements of the sets represented by the intersections. So what are the four sets here? I assumed height, cumuliform, stratiform and precipitation. But to take just one aspect, praecipitatio features in, among others, four of the five elements within the left hand circle – but the ‘RAIN + SNOW’ circle does not allow this; even the highest cirrus has precipitation which does not reach the ground.

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